I made this felt Dirndl bag in the shape of a Lebkuchenherz to wear with my Dirndl for Oktoberfest this year! There's a fabric pouch with a zipper inside to keep me from losing anything. My favorite bit is the plastic toy deer in the center!
I don't really have step-by-step instructions for this because I pretty much made it up as I went along. I spotted a similar bag at a local department store and thought I could make my own. It took about a week to make because of all the times I messed up or decided something would be better differently.
The front, back, and sides of the purse are made of brown felt. Before sewing them together I made sure I was done decorating the front cover. I wanted it to look like a Lebkuchenherz, which are gingerbread hearts sold during most German festivals. I used ric rac trim to represent icing border of heart. Then I embroidered the leaves and the grass - the flowers are french knots. The deer was attached using two wood screws. On the back piece I added to strips of fabric to act as belt loops, and at the top of the sides two more loops to use to attach purse strings. Once the parts were done I attached all the felt pieces together.
For the inside pouch I used some quilting fabric I had. I cut out two hearts the same size as the brown felt hearts (accounting for seam allowance, I thought they would end up smaller, but as it turns out my seams really aren't that even.) and two strips to be the sides. Then I sewed everything together inside out (although not necessarily on the first try...). The zipper was the hardest part. I used a trouser zipper that locks in place because I figured it would be added protection against pickpockets. I sewed a strip of cloth along each side of the zipper, put the zipper in place along the top of the heart, and then hand stitched the zipper in place.
The inside pouch was attached to the felt heart at the bottom (point) of the heart, and then again along the tops of the sides, front and back. I sewed right under the seam that attached the top (with the zipper) In the front, I used white thread and stitched inside the ric rac ribbon so it would be less visible. In the back, I just used brown thread that matched the felt.
I'm thinking getting a chain to attach as a strap, but right now I just thread one of my apron straps through the purse to wear it.
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